Action Alert – Freedom for Sam
Source: freedomforsam.org
Sam Faulder is an anarchist prisoner and member of the IWW currently serving a life sentence in England. Sam is a miscarriage of justice who has been in the prison system for over ten years.
She has been an anti-authoritarian her whole life and was relentlessly targeted by police because of her lifestyle choices.
After ten years experiencing every abuse imaginable, Sam was sadly diagnosed with cancer in 2016. She has experienced intense medical neglect while being imprisoned in a for-profit prison, HMP Peterborough, run by Sodexo.
Following several medical procedures Sam is recovering from surgery and coping with the emotional challenges of still having a life-threatening illness, with fear and trepidation about the coming months ahead.
What can I do?
- Send letters and cards with solidarity messages to: Samantha Faulder A1209CF, HMP Foston Hall, Foston, Derby, Derbyshire, DE65 5DN
- Donate to her support fund: http://freedomforsam.org/donate/ Freedom for Sam post money to Sam, buy her stamps/books/clothes, help with the cost of visiting her and meeting with solicitors. Sam is currently imprisoned on the other side of the country to her loved ones, the cost of traveling is crippling.
- Share her story
More information on Sam’s case and the latest on her health can be found here